Wealth Protection | Personal and business | Business Owner Solutions
You have worked hard throughout the course of your life
and made many sacrifices in order to build your wealth
to where it is today. Your estate has allowed you to
secure your current and future financial situation as well as that of those closest to you.
Your estate/ Wealth consists of all of your assets:
Non-registered investments: shares, GICs
(guaranteed investment certificates), mutual funds,bonds, etc.
Registered investments: RRSP, RRIF, LIRA, LIF, etc.
Real estate: residence(s), rental property, land, etc.
All other property you own
The Wealth Protection financial strategy is an effective
solution to the dilemma faced by many heirs when the
time comes to settle the deceased’s final tax bill.
Once integrated in your overall financial plan, this strategy
will help to maximize the value of your assets and provide
your heirs with the funds necessary to pay the taxes due
upon your death, all for just a fraction of the amount!
This innovative concept makes use of a flexible financial
vehicle with several tax advantages.
The Wealth Protection financial strategy considerably increases the value of the inheritance being left to your heirs by partially or totally covering the taxes that will be payable by your estate upon your death.
Please contact us to discuss your personal needs.

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